Ohomairangi Rautangata
Love sports and competitive competition. Still young and energetic.
Being able to connect Maatauranga maori within our support groups, so rangatahi have a visual idea of Te Ao Maori.
Experience at TAaR – I am a Coordinator of ‘E Oho Rangatahi’ and Support Lead in ‘Brotherhood’.
Started back in 2019 as a Tuakana in Synergy – TAaR’s Leadership Support Group, being involved in kaupapa Maori programs providing Rangatahi of today more ideas and knowledge of our whenua.
In 2020 I joined the technology space as a rangatahi supporting and encouraging kaumatua use of electronic mobile devices in TAaR’s Aa Mua Hangarau programme.
My passion to work alongside Rangatahi is to build their knowledge and a Tuakana/Teina connection in the form of whanaungatanga.
My experiences at TAaR have been eye opening for myself as a young adult, from the opportunities to work alongside young/energetic/hard working kaimahi also passionate about supporting rangatahi around our rohe.